Monday, August 7, 2023

Last days in town

My trip to Italy is winding down. Usually this means that the summer is ending. However, this year my trip here is ending with a decent amount of summer still on the horizon. It's been a great summer, with some time to relax, and some goals accomplished. I managed to lose 14 pounds this month while eating some of the most delicious food. I guess exercise, less stress, natural ingredients, and sweating my buns off in the heatwave was a good mix. 

Friday night, the cold air (temps in the low 70s) rolled in. By 10 at night it was raining, and continued to rain off and on all day Saturday. It was sunny long enough on Saturday morning for me to go for my walk, but by the time I was headed to the beach, the ominous clouds were approaching. There's something really beautiful about being at the water's edge and seeing the storm-front gather. The clouds just look so different when storms roll in here. We're do for more rain this afternoon. It literally hadn't rained more than a couple of drops the whole time I was here until Friday night. 

All week I had been putting together my "closing the condo" list. It got up to 43 tasks that needed to get done before leaving, and I planned on starting it yesterday. That day also happened to be my last day at Lido Ritz for 2023. One major task to do yesterday was get my bags packed. I guess I didn't realize how many souvenirs I was buying. I knew I was leaving clothes and shoes here at the condo, but I guess I overshot the estimated space, and it's not even really that much stuff that I'm bringing home. I still want to go in and rearrange the bag a little before my flights. 

As it was my last day at Lido Ritz beach club, I would hang a load of laundry on the line, then head to the beach club. After a couple of hours I'd come home and fold laundry, then put more wet clothes on the line. Washed and dried three loads since yesterday morning. I also made it to the beach twice yesterday. The water was considerably colder than it was on Friday, but rain will do that. 

Today I went for my normal morning 5K walk, picked up my favorites from my breakfast spots, then came home and got working. I've completed all of the tasks I can complete before tonight. When I'm done with lunch, I'll be able to knock about a half dozen things off the list and maybe play with my suitcase a little. Tomorrow morning I have a train ride to Milan, then a flight to Iceland on Wednesday night, and a flight to Newark on Thursday evening. Lots of travel the next few days.