Monday, August 12, 2024

Foodtopia Moments

 For my last meal in town, I ate at the hotel restaurant. Eating alone is usually somewhat odd, but in this restaurant, a third of the tables were solo travelers. I started off the meal with a Caprese salad. It's the last good buffalo mozzarella I'll have till next summer. I will really miss the stuff. The little black pearls on top are actually little balls of balsamic vinegar.

I finished my meal with a pizza Roma. It was a white pizza, with thinly sliced potatoes, porchetta (roasted seasoned pork), a little bit of mozzarella, and plenty of pecorino romano cheese on top. It was delicious. Each bite had so much flavor. 

All Good Things

 The end of any trip is always bittersweet. This summer trip to Italy is no exception. I'm currently writing this from the Hilton Rome Airport where I'm spending the night before my flight home tomorrow. 

Along with my cousins Maryanne and Victoria, I've spent the past few days walking around, dining, and shopping in Florence and Pisa. It was a whirlwind, visiting the Academia to see Michelangelo's masterpiece "David," and tramping through the Boboli Gardens in 105 degree heat. Florence was its usual mix, filled with art and energy, however, after spending time in a sleepy beach town it seems extra busy right now. I've also never seen Pisa as packed as it was yesterday.

When we returned from Pisa to Florence last night we visited one of the city's wine walls where you order your wine or drink through a tiny window in the wall. Once you have your drinks, you stand near the window to drink and are literally introduced to fellow beverage enthusiasts from all over the world, and you just conversate. I spoke to several people from Australia and people from the US. 

Today we made our way south to Rome, but I pretty much just stayed at the airport and hotel, resting and getting ready for my flight. Tomorrow I return to the States, with an appointment to have my tooth extracted on Wednesday. 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Foodtopia Moments

 On our last night in Campomarino, we actually left town to head to Pizzeria Borgo Antico in neighboring San Martino in Pensilis. It was the night of their pampanella festival. Pampanella is pork belly, roasted with lots of paprika, salt, and red pepper. It's minorly spicy for us, but it's presented as piccante. We learned of the restaurant the week before at a family party, and wanted to return to try the wood fired pizza. It was delicious. I got the Mortadella pizza. It had buffalo mozzarella, mortadella, pistachio, and burrata. No lie, it was one of the best pizzas I've ever had. 

We've made it to Firenze

Wednesday and Thursday were pretty jam packed with the beach by day, and prepping the house for the winter as we left. On Wednesday night, Maryanne and I went out with our friend Monia to the Lungomare for a drink at the beach club Lido Aurora. The drinks were good, but the company and conversation were even better. 

Yesterday we were busy with packing our bags and doing some of the bigger things for closing down the condo. But, we did manage to get some beach time, and went out for a delicious dinner at Pizzeria Borgo Antico in San Martino in Pensilis.

This morning, we pushed off a little before 7 am for our trek to Firenze (Florence). We stopped in Ancona, spending a couple of hours with our cousin Greta and Zia Carmelita at her rehab facility. It was great seeing her again, and she was in much better shape than the last time we had seen her. 

We continued on our way after the visit. The drive was easy, as we stopped for lunch on the autostrada and avoided any traffic delays. We mainly walked around some of the city of Florence tonight, hitting up a rooftop terrace for an Aperol Spritz before grabbing a steak dinner. Tomorrow we'll start really visiting the sites. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Foodtopia Moments

On Monday night, we visited Termoli for a meal sotto le stelle (under the stars). We went to Mari e Monti, which features dishes highlighting the area's vicinity to the sea and the land. My first course was an insalata di mare (seafood salad) with calamari and polipo (otopus). 

My primi piatti (first plate) was a gnocchi with a fish ragu. It was so rich in flavor, I thought I was eating meat event though it was fish. 

I followed that up with a plate of cozze (mussels). 

Then we went to Yo-Go Gelateria for some of the best gelato I've ever had. the owner of the place has won many awards and puts care into his craft. I had a mix of zuppa inglese, fior di latte, and pistachio flavors. 

Nights on the Town

 The past couple of nights have been pretty busy. We've been mainly beaching it by day at Lido Ritz. The sun has been shining down brightly and the water has been very clear and calm. But by night, we've been making our way out. 

On Monday, we visited Termoli for another round of dinner, shopping and sightseeing. It's always so beautiful to walk around. Though very close to Campomarino (6 miles), it's like another world there when it comes to offerings at night. Live music, plenty of bars and restaurants, tons of shopping, the best gelato I've ever had, and some of the best people watching can all be found in Termoli.

Last night, we traveled a little farther to Torremaggiore, my father's hometown. We first stopped by the cemetery to visit with family member of the past. Then we met up with my cousin Vincenzo and his wife Mariella for a tour of the town. We went into some of the most beautiful churches. We toured a middle ages castle that was built on top of a Roman Empire era castle. They are now excavating the area and finding plates, cups, pitchers, and tools from up to 200 years BC. We also passed the home of Nicola Sacco, of the tragic Sacco and Vanzetti fame.  History buffs will know about it, but look it up if you don't know. After taking the passagiatta (walk) and having an Aperol Spritz at a local bar, we went to my cousin's house for a delicious cena (dinner) on their rooftop terrace. It was a beautiful night.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Foodtopia Moments

Just about every meal I've had here has been great. Long gone are the potato days of Dublin and Liverpool that I graciously endured last month. Now come the pasta and pizza days. Last week, when we visited the town of Alberobello, we had pranzo (lunch) at Trullo d'Oro Ristorante. The food was spectacular. I didn't  get a photo of the antipasti appetizer, but my primi piatti (first plate, usually reserved for pasta) was a cavatellini con ragu di polipo (octopus gravy). It was wonderful. The octopus wasn't chewy at all, melted in my mouth.

For my second course, I had a tuna steak over gazpacho. I am not the biggest gazpacho fan, but it worked perfectly as an accent. The gazpacho had a little bit of mint that really put it over the top. I did order some roasted potatoes since my tooth was killing me, and I thought at the very least I could eat that, but the whole meal was great from stat to finish.