Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Finally some rain

It only lasted for about 20 minutes just a little before 8 pm, but it finally rained here tonight. The plants, the land, and the air needed some refreshing. Wind was blowing soot and dirt around, and the plants were so dry as evidenced by the recent fires. Hopefully it rains more overnight, though that’s not in the forecast. Any rain is welcome. Since my last post, the town has exploded with people. The big summer holiday, Ferragosto, is coming up this Sunday, so many people have vacation from their jobs for a week or two. The beach is buzzing with activity, and filled to the max. A sign at the beach club said they are operating at 100 percent capacity, and it seems that almost every umbrella is raised. I’ve been relaxing a bit this week now that most of the work for the condo is done. Today, I took care of reporting our water meter reading to the township. This usually takes a few days and filling out paperwork, but cousin Valeria showed me I could just send the info via WhatsApp. So much easier and it’s already been confirmed as submitted. Used to take all morning, waiting in an office with no air conditioning, just to submit the paperwork and number. The other day I had a great weigh-in so I celebrated with my first, and so far only, gelato of the summer. I’ll definitely have more, but I’m down 13 pounds since I left NJ, so not much more.