Friday, August 16, 2019


Picture this: Campomarino 2019. A family gathers before, during, and after a big feast. August 15, the day of the assumption, or Ferragosto was celebrated yesterday. Ferragosto is a big summer holiday here in Italy, and kind of like the unofficial signal that the summer is winding down. The weeks following Ferragosto see an exodus of people from Campomarino transforming it from a slightly bustling outpost back into a sleepy, little community.

Melissa and I were playing host yesterday. We woke up with a long to do list and managed to get it all done. I did most of the cooking while Melissa cleaned, prepped the melon, and got the table ready. It was just us and Zia for dinner. We had a feast with leftovers for days. Everything was delicious and we spent most of the afternoon reminiscing about times of old and people who are no longer with us.

In the afternoon, my cousin Renato, his wife Dorrette, and their son Mario and his wife Cassandra visited. We sat outside, talking al fresco and continuing to reminisce. Ferragosto is a holiday I look forward to every year as it brings families together in a comfortable, casual summer setting.

After everyone had left, and we had cleaned up, Melissa and I headed to Lido Ritz for some twilight sun, and a round of Aperol spritz cocktails. It was a beautiful tramonte (sunset) yesterday, and a fitting way to end the holiday.