Friday, August 16, 2019

Foodtopia Moments

Pasta with tomato sauce
This one can be called the Ferragosto edition. Yesterday, we had a feast for the ages. Zia made pomodori ripieno con tonno (tuna stuffed tomatoes), pepperoni rossi arrosto (roasted red peppers) and dessert. In order to get all of the dishes I wanted to make completed, I woke up early. I made the sugo di pomodoro (tomato sauce) for the pasta; salmone arrosto con rosamarino, limone, e vino bianco (roasted salmon with rosemary, lemon, and white wine); petti di pollo con pepperoni rossi, caperi, olive, cippole, aglio, e passata di pomodori (chicken breast with red peppers, capers, olives, onions, garlic and crushed tomatoes); zucca arrosto con rosamarina (roasted butternut squash with rosemary); finnochio arrosto (roasted fennel); and patate al forno con formaagio (roasted potatoes with cheese). From start to finish it was a great meal and great company.

Chicken Breast with veggies

Roasted butternut squash

Roasted fennel

Tuna stuffed tomatoes

Roasted Peppers