Monday, August 15, 2016

Buon Ferragosto

The big summer holiday, Ferragosto (the Day of the Assumption) has arrived and Campomarino Lido is pieno (full). There is hardly any parking in town today as the perfect storm of a long weekend, day trippers, and the usual people vacationing here has brought this town alive. Last night on my passagiatta (walk), I could barely move through the streets.

The past few days have been full of sunshine. Today, though, is the first without strong winds. For the past couple of days, I would go to the beach and all of the umbrellas would be closed thanks to the wind, but today the umbrellas are up and everything is perfect for the holiday. On the way to the beach each day, I pass the traveling circus that still has a few shows left in town. They house their animals really close to the road this year, and not a kid seems to pass by, either on foot, bike, or in a car, that doesn’t stop and take a peek. The elephant is the closest to the road and the kids seem amazed. It’s advertised as the animals of the movie “Madagascar” on tour together for the first time. Doubtful, but let them go with it.
This weekend we hosted an American dinner on Saturday with some good friends. Zia came down, and we all partook in some roasted hot n honey wings, ribs, roasted potatoes, butternut squash, and a summer salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and avocado. The meal and the company were great.

To celebrate the holiday today, Zia came over for lunch. I made the primo and second (first and second plates), and she made the contorni (side dishes). With the sun shining, not a cloud in sight, and a slight breeze rolling through, it has turned out to be a beautiful and blessed holiday.