Monday, August 22, 2016

Last night in "The Old Country"

Mom and I both had restless nights knowing that our trip home was about to begin. Before and after our dinner with Zia at Ristorante Netti, we packed up the house last night, and shut down the water and electric this morning. Both of us were showered, dressed and in the car before 6:30 a.m. ready for our drive to Milan. I managed to snap a few photos of the house as we were leaving, and although I’m well past ready to head back to the States, I will miss the simplicity of my summer life in Campomarino.

The GPS first called for the trip to take about six and a half hours. However, with first rain that lasted for an hour or so, and then traffic that seemed to last for most of the morning, the trip turned into more than an eight hour stroll along the Autostrade. Luckily, we made it here safe and sound. We had time to nap, grab dinner, and head to bed early. Tomorrow is another early wake-up day.

Our next stop is New Jersey.