Sunday, August 21, 2016

Closing time

As with every good thing, this trip must come to an end as well. Yesterday, we celebrated our last day at Lido Ritz for 2016 yesterday. I took a dip in the Adriatic, read my book, and got as much sun as I could. Because it was a weekend day, the place was filled with people. The sun was shining, the wind was ever so slight, and the water was warm, clear, and calm. Overall, it was a beautiful way for Mom and I to end our stay at the beach.
That brings us to today. It’s closing time at the homestead. I will admit that closing is much easier than opening, because there is less cleaning involved. All of the laundry has been washed, and all of the trash taken out. The fridge has been cleaned and the leftovers separated and purged. Bags are packed, and GPS has been set. Only thing left to do is pack up the electronics, sleep, and head on out. Packing the car should be pretty smooth, as we have the same type of car as last year, with one less person and luggage, so I know it will all fit. Tonight we have reservations at Ristorante Netti for one last time. I truly thought Thursday was going to be the last time there, but like a rock bands farewell tour, we’re making one last go around.

Our next stop is Milan.