Zia came over for lunch today, and her reaction to what I
made was priceless. She asked, “What is it?” I took the leftover meat and sauce
from Monday, a mix of pollo (chicken), brasiola, and salsiccia (sausage), and
teamed it with Friday’s leftover roasted veggies, which included melanzane
(eggplant), pattate (potatoes), pomodorini (little tomatoes), cipolle (onions),
pepperoni gialli e rossi (yellow and red peppers), and zucchini. I took out any
chicken bones and the toothpick from the brasiole, and let the two distinctly
separate meals blend together. Then I mixed in some pasta, and voila, a
delicious meal.
At the Ristobar tonight, I made sure to get an order of
fresh insalata di polipo (octopus salad). As I suspected it would be, the
octopus was tender and full of flavor.