Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Foodtopia Moments

 The wonderful thing about summer for me is the time to try new things. My lunch today was one of those moments when I think of how I can make something and it comes out better than I dreamt. The pancetta (pork belly) is something I make for my business often. I cooked it along with some ribs the other day, and just reheated it for today's lunch. The pasta, however, was new. I stopped at a local market and picked up some fresh tagliatelle pasta. While the water got up to a boil, I mixed a few tuorli d'uovo (egg yolks), grana padano cheese, olio d'oliva, sale e pepe nero (salt and black pepper) in a large bowl and whipped the ingredients together. As soon as the pasta finished in the boiling water, I drained it, and immediately tossed the hot pasta in with the egg yolk mixture, being sure to toss it vigorously to coat the pasta and heat up the egg mixture. It was outstanding with the consistency of sunny side up egg yolk.