Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Foodtopia Moments

 For much of this summer, I cooked my own meals. I didn't go out nearly as often as I have at times in the past. So yesterday, for my last big Italian meal, I decided to have the penne all'amatriciana. It's a spicy tomato sauce with chopped up bacon pieces, and it is delicious. The one I had yesterday was good, but not the best I've had. It was great having that dish again though. 

I also had the costoletto Milanese, which is a pounded out veal cutlet usually serves on the bone. It's a traditional dish in Milan, and I've yet to have a bad one. I love squirting some lemon on top for added flavor. It was served with arugula, and I'm beginning to wonder if meat should ever be served without arugula. It's the perfect addition. 

Everybody Hates Delays

 For the second time on my long trek back to New Jersey, my travel plans have it a snag. First there was the train cancellation from Milano Centrale to the Milano Airport where my hotel is. That was an easy fix, as I just got into a taxi and headed to the hotel. I woke up this morn ing to a text message, email, and notification from the United app that my flight was delayed three hours. Looking at the bright side, I was able to drop off my bags, go back to the hotel and have a proper breakfast and enjoy some more time in the room, and they even gave me a $14 voucher to use in the airport restaurants.  Everybody hates delays, but thankfully I booked the hotel connected to the airport and don't need to sit by a gate for five hours. I did shell out the extra $19 for Premier Access. Throws me into boarding group 2, and I had no wait to check in my bags. The regular line was 25 people long, so the money was well worth it already.

Yesterday was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and the temperature was in the mid 80s. It was a national holiday here in Italy called Ferragosto. I spent the day walking around Milan, visiting the park in back of the Sforza Castle, then heading to the Piazza del Duomo. I then went to the fancy department store la Rinascente to do some last minute shopping for gifts. I walked about 14,000 steps then had lunch and the first gelato in weeks. I literally hadn't eaten gelato since my cousins returned home on July 24. 

I'm about to straighten up the room, do a last once over (not sure where I'd put anything since my luggage is already checked), and freshen up a bit. Hopefully no further delays.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Foodtopia Moments

 Last night in Milan, I stopped at Caffe Dante. It's a little sidewalk restaurant with a view of the Sforza Castle. I ordered one of my favorite dishes in Italy, spaghetti carbonara. It's a dish that features egg yolks, cream, cheese, and a bacon type meat. It was delicious, one of the best I've had in Milan. I also ordered the large Aperol Spritz. Initially the guy tried to sell me the extra large, which essentially was a fishbowl drink. I didn't realize how large the large size was. Definitely too large, but it was delicious. 


On the Long Road Back

The road back to New Jersey is a long one each year. Yesterday morning, I woke up, finished closing the house, and boarded a train for Milan. It was about five and a half hours on the train, and the trip was going smoothly. In the Milano Centrale train station, I purchased my ticket for the train that heads to the airport where my hotel is, and made my way toward that binario (track). As I was walking over to the train I looked up to double check the departure time. That's when I saw that the trains to the airport were canceled. 

In the Trenord company office, they suggested I take my three bags onto the subway to a different train station. Not wanting to walk around Milan and head into subways with all of my luggage, I decided to hire a taxi. It was much more comfortable, quicker, and better air conditioned. I was able to use the ticket I had purchased later in the day.

My last day in Campomarino on Saturday was bittersweet. I'm looking forward to heading home, but it's always sad to leave the house. I had a good summer there this year. I only saw the beach on Saturday during my morning walk. It was tranquil and beautiful. But within a couple of hours we had clouds, strong winds and rain. So I didn't miss a day at the beach working in the house closing things up. 

Today my plan is to head into Milan to walk around and have dinner. I was going to eat at the hotel then go right up to bed. But I found out yesterday that a lot will be open in Milan even though it is Ferragosto, a national holiday here. Tomorrow I fly home. 

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Foodtopia Moments

 Tonight I went to Ristorante Netti for the last time in 2022. We had a table full with 11 people (counting my 10-day-old cousin Arianna), and a really nice evening. I ordered my favorite pizza, the Scorpion. It has sauce and mozzarella, plus salsiccia piccante (pepperoni), olio di pepperoncino (hot pepper oil) and caciacavalo (a type of sharp provolone). I had them add zucchini and fresh arugula this time. It was the perfect match of flavors. The little bit of heat paired well with the fresh arugula. I'd get it again in a heartbeat. 

Summer Winding Down

 My time in Campomarino is quickly coming to an end for 2022. What seems like a long time beforehand, has flown by. I've started packing my suitcases, and also started the procedure of closing up the condo. Saturday will be a heavy work day getting the house closed up for the offseason. 

The past few days have seen a few visitors come to town. the other night, my cousin Roberto came for a visit with his friend Massimo. The pair had traveled to America together twice in the mid 1990s and we had all hung out a bunch then. It was like we picked up right where we left off. Here's a photo of Me and Massimo from 1995 and one of the three of us this week.

My cousin Valeria is also in town for a few days staying with Zia, who is her grandmother. We've only been able to hang out a little since she's been here, but it's always great to see her. 

Tonight, Zia, Valeria and I met up with my cousin Renato, his wife Dorette, their son Mario, his wife Cassandra, their 2-year-old daughter Rosella and their 10-day-old daughter Arianna, along with Cassandra's parents. We went to Ristorante Netti for some seafood and pizza. The food was great, but it was really about the first time meeting Ariana and saying goodbye to family for another year.

Yesterday, we had the annual condo association meeting. Every year they talk about the repairs that are needed. And every year the old people block up and vote to suspend doing anything for another year. Zia was the President of the association again this year.

Of course my days here wouldn't be complete without some beach time. I've been hitting the sand in the mornings and afternoons, coming home in the middle of the day for lunch. Sadly, the past few days have been extra windy, and the water has been way too rough to enjoy fully. Hoping tomorrow, probably my last day at the beach, is calmer waters. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Foodtopia Moments

One of the easiest meals of the summer was today's pranzo (lunch). Tonno e caperi (tuna and capers) in a tomato sauce is a classic Italian dish. It's fast to make, doesn't break any budget, and tastes amazing. You start by opening and draining a can of tuna. Here in Italy I use tuna in oil because it's tougher to find tuna in water. In America I use tuna in water. Either one works fine. Put some olive oil in a small pot, throw in the tuna and cook it over medium high heat. After a few minutes, add a drained bottle of small capers. After about five minutes, add a bottle or can of crushed tomatoes, and some water. Then a
dd a few sprinkles of salt, and let it cook down while you heat the water and cook the spaghetti. It'll splatter, so lower the heat once it starts to boil. Make this easy pasta dish and you'll have people definitely asking for seconds. 

Monday, August 8, 2022

Fun by Day and Night

 The past few days here in Campomarino Lido have been beautiful. The sun has been shining, the water has been refreshing even when it's a little rougher than normal, and I've been getting some screenwriting done. I've also taken a trip to Termoli, and spent an evening in town with good family friends. 

By day, I've been spending most of my time at the beach. Umbrellone 122 Sud at Lido Ritz is my daily spot. I usually head into the water for a bit, then head back and hang out on the chaise lounge or in a chair under umbrella reading, watching videos or just resting. This morning, however, I decided to hop aboard the bus and head to Termoli. I wanted to get a few things like a luggage tag, a couple of groceries at the supermarket, and the number for a taxi in case I need one sometime. I walked both the old and new parts of Termoli, even eating a focaccia breakfast with a view of the Adriatic Sea.  The city was alive with people spilling out of coffee shops and heading to the beach. I ended up walking more than 18,000 steps before lunch. 

Most nights, Zia Carmelita will come by my place. We'll talk, come up with lists for the different markets, and have some pizza. One night, she hosted a "pre-condo association meting" meeting with the guy who should probably be the head of the condo association. Last night, I went into the center of town with a good family friend, Antonio, his wife Anna and their daughter Doris. It was a great evening. We walked past all of the street vendors, and grabbed a slice of pizza. 

 I'm in my final week here at the beach, so my plan is to soak up the sun over the next few days and begin packing. Kind of crazy how quickly the time is flying by this year. 

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Foodtopia Moments

 For people who haven't looked at a map in a while, let me refresh your memory. Italy is a peninsula, so fish is a big part of the culture. Yesterday, I cooked pranzo (lunch) for Zia and I, and went strait to the sea for the menu. The fish marked in town had some beautiful gamberi (shrimp), calamari, and persico, which is a type of white fish. After cleaning and copping the fish, I added it to some special type of meter long squash they have over here. I added some tomato paste and broth, which made a nice sauce for the little bit of pasta that I added. If you like fish, this was a dish for you. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

A Morning in Termoli

 For the past few days, I've been mainly heading to the beach for a couple of hours in the morning, and a few hours in the afternoon. I've been returning home for lunch in between, usually reheating something i cooked the night before, or trying some new ideas. 

Monday, however, I took a break from my routine and trekked north to the bustling metropolis of Termoli. In no way is this actually a metropolis, although it seems like one when compared to Campomarino. I needed to do some banking, pay some bills, and look for a second suitcase since it's prepaid already and I have bought a few things. 

After handling the banking and my cell phone bill, I stopped at a paneficcio (bread bakery) and picked up a slice of focaccia. Topped with burrata, mortadella, and crushed pistachio, the only thing better than it was the view I had of a nearly 1,000 year old castle kissed by the Adriatic Sea. 

Following the snack, I set off for a couple of shopping malls to look for a suitcase. I had seen one in the center of Termoli that was just about right for me, but wanted to make sure I was getting the best deal. While at the mall, I went to the supermarket for a few things, but id not find a suitcase I liked for the right price. I ended up walking back to the center of town to get the one I had originally seen. I threw my groceries in, then moved on to the pet store. All of the times I'm criss crossing the town, I had to travel through the tunnel below the train station. People waiting for trains saw me going back and forth a few times were probably wondering what I was doing. I even stopped by a pet store to get some gifts for the dogs back at home. The suitcase was filling up by the time I got the bus back to Campomarino. Once I got off the bus, I had. mile and a half walk back to the house. Really tested out the suitcase wheels. 

Aside from the excitement of a trip 6 km up the coast, I've been mainly relaxing and writing some screenplay scenes. I had a whole script mapped out, and then had a much more exciting idea, so I've started writing that one instead. Jazzed to get the words on the page. 

Foodtopia Moments

 The wonderful thing about summer for me is the time to try new things. My lunch today was one of those moments when I think of how I can make something and it comes out better than I dreamt. The pancetta (pork belly) is something I make for my business often. I cooked it along with some ribs the other day, and just reheated it for today's lunch. The pasta, however, was new. I stopped at a local market and picked up some fresh tagliatelle pasta. While the water got up to a boil, I mixed a few tuorli d'uovo (egg yolks), grana padano cheese, olio d'oliva, sale e pepe nero (salt and black pepper) in a large bowl and whipped the ingredients together. As soon as the pasta finished in the boiling water, I drained it, and immediately tossed the hot pasta in with the egg yolk mixture, being sure to toss it vigorously to coat the pasta and heat up the egg mixture. It was outstanding with the consistency of sunny side up egg yolk.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Foodtopia Moments


The other night, I roasted some veggies with salsiccia (sausage). I included pepperoni rossi (red peppers), zucchini, melanzane (eggplant), patate (potatoes), pomodorini (little tomatoes), and cipolle bianca (white onions). Roasted with the sausage, a mix of regular and piccante (spicy - though not by American standards), the veggies picked up a lot of flavor, especially the potatoes. So I've been eating them as parts of different meals, including todays omelette that was filled with the sausage and veggies. It was a delicious pranzo (lunch), and very simple to make once you have the veggies prepped. 

Beach Days...Then the Heavens Opened

The past few days have been very relaxing, possibly the most relaxing days of 2022 for me. I've been spending most of the day at the beach, developing scene ideas for a script I want to write, catching up on laundry, and just relaxing. I've been averaging about 15,000 steps a day as well, and just passed the 27 straight months of getting 10,000 steps per day or more...everyday. 

The beach has been peaceful this year, but as August approaches I'm noticing more and more people coming to town. My umbrella neighbors are ending their stay on Sunday, so it'll be interesting who comes there for my last couple of weeks here. Everyone around me is very nice and friendly this year. 

Rain has been in the forecast the past three days. On Monday, some clouds approached, then went away. On Tuesday, it drizzled for about 10 minutes in the early evening. Today, however, the storm roared in. Rolling thunder, lightning, and lots of wind and rain. Some nearby towns are completely flooded out. I was about to head back to the beach after lunch when I noticed the wind pick up. Then I saw the clouds on all sides of our sunny little beach town, and thought, I should wait a few more minutes. Within a half hour it was storming.

Sitting outside under the stars now, its so much more comfortable than the past few nights when the humidity was extra heavy. My neighbors are all in sweaters and telling me to put on long sleeves. I've been so hot for days, generally sweaty, that I'm just gonna stick with the t-shirt. 

Monday, July 25, 2022

Foodtopia Moments

 For pranzo (lunch) today, I made a quick bowl of pasta. I used fresh pomodorini (little tomatoes), zucchini, cipolle bianca (white onion), and olio di oliva, cooked it up for about 15 minutes with a little sale marino (sea salt), then added some tonno e pisselli (tuna and peas). The tuna and peas are canned together in a tomato sauce and they blended perfectly with the other veggies and sauce from the fresh tomatoes. While the veggies blended together, I heated the water and cooked up some ditalini pasta. Then I mixed it all together and plated. Just before I ate this pasta, which was full of flavor, I added some freshly grated grana padano cheese. It was a simple dish made with things many people here have in the house. 

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Back from the North


My cousins Maryanne and Diane flew home this morning from Milan and I hopped on a couple of trains and made my way back to Campomarino. My trains were almost as long as their flight. I beat them home by only a couple of hours. 

We left on Thursday night to head back up north. The first stop was in the Tuscan town of Firenze (Florence). We made it there in time to have a quick Aperol Spritz and a meal in the Piazza della Repubblica, then do a quick walk around the city. The next morning, Friday, we set out for the sites. We found a tour outside of the Academia, where we saw many works by Michelangelo, including a Pieta, il Prigione, and the David. As many times as I've seen it (don't worry, I'm humble enough to know that I am privileged to have seen it many times), it's still awe inspiring to see the detail that Michelangelo was able to put into that piece of bad marble. 

My old Italian cell phone from 2018 was starting to give me fits, so I broke down and bought a new cell phone that I'm loving. It's a Redmi 5G by Xiaomi. I've never seen the brand in the states, but it works well and was economical. They even put a new screen protector on it, one like I've never seen before. They sprayed a gel, then put the plastic cover on the phone, pressed out the bubbles, then hit it with a blow dryer and heat. The salesman said it was a new process that lasts longer than what I am used to. 

We made our way through the city's sites, had a nice pizza lunch in the Piazza della Signoria while looking at the Palazza Vecchio and major works of art, then hit up the leather market. We bought a couple of things, then made a wish at the

Fontana del Porcellino (fountain of the boar). After making the wish, and downing some water (temps were triple digits most of the day) we visited the famed Ponte Vecchio. Even when I buy nothing, I enjoy window shopping all of the different vendors. I feel like a giant there sometimes as the entrances are very small. I tried on pinky ring, but they're not my style. Did not like the look of a ring on me.  

We pushed off Sabato (Saturday) for Milano. Getting in around 1 in the afternoon, we said goodbye to the rental car. The Fiat 500 X did us well. After assessing the suitcase situation, we took the train to the center of Milan to window shop, see the Duomo, and grab a drink before dinner back at the hotel. We visited the Campari bar. It was very elegant, and I immediately felt underdressed even though we were just having dinner and the most interesting snacks I've ever been served with drinks in Italy (they serve little snacks because it's taboo in Italy to drink without food). Besides pate, there was a tomato and basil candy like treat that was interesting and surprisingly refreshing. It was a little on the sweeter side, but not sweet like candy. But the most interesting snack was the one that had us all guessing. In the center of the dish was what we all thought was an olive, but there was no pit nor was it pitted. I thought it might be a large caper, because it was pickled. We finally asked the waiter, who told us it was a pickled baby peach. As soon as he said it, I bit one and could taste a slight peach flavor. 

Today was sad as I bid my cousins bon voyage. After they left, I had a little time to kill. I bought new headphones at the newsstand so I could watch stuff on my journey, then had a seat in the hotel lobby. Then I hopped aboard a train bound for the Milano Centrale train station. I walked around for a half hour, grabbed a couple of pieces of foccacia with procuitto cotto (ham) and some bottles of water, bought some reusable water bottles for the beach, and hopped on board the train bound for Termoli. After about five hours and 45 minutes, I arrived in Termoli. I wanted to visit the ATM while I was there, then went looking for something to eat tonight, settling on two slices of pizza. After taking the cab home, I ran to the farmer nearby to pick up some tomato and cucumber to make a salad to have with the pizza. It was a delicious meal to end the weekend. Zia came down and we hung out for a couple of hours, and now it's bedtime. Tomorrow I hit the beach. 

Foodtopia Moments

On a recent trip to the northern part of Italy, my cousins Maryanne and Diane, and I made out way through Toscana (Tuscany). Known for its beautiful cities, ancient and Renaissance past, and countless treasures in museums, the region is also known for meat. We went to the restaurant Osteria Filetto d'Oro, which was tucked away in a little side street behind the Duomo in Firenze (Florence). The restaurant was hot, like sitting in sauna hot, however the food was delicious. My cousin chose the wild boar, which I tasted and it was delicious. Loaded with flavors like wine, cinnamon, and nutmeg, it was as tender as one could imagine. I chose the tagliatelle con ragu di coniglio (pasta with rabbit gravy). It wasn't a tomato based sauce, but more of a brothy sauce with carrots, celery and onions. The lip of the bowl was sprinkled with black pepper which added to the pasta while twirling. 

For my secondi (main dish), I went with the tagliatta di manzo con rucola e parmagiana (sliced grilled steak over arugula with parmagiana reggiano cheese). The steak, like standard in Firenze, was served rare, almost to the point you could hear the mooing. It was tender and flavorful, and with the lemon I squeezed on top was the perfect way to have beef.  When in Tuscany, get after the meats. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Foodtopia Moments

 Tonight I dined at a restaurant in Termoli called Mari e Monti. Which loosely refers to the sea and the mountains. Essentially it was a restaurant that served traditional fish and non fish dishes. It was delicious from start to finish. The best thing that I ate, though, was the Insalata di mare (seafood salad). It wasn't loaded with mayonnaise, none to be exact. It was loaded with polpi (octopus) and calamari, carrote (carrots) and cedono (celery). The polpi was very tender and the flavor was outstanding. 

Sunshine at Lido Ritz


It's been a few days since I've posted anything, and they've been busy days. Along with my cousins Maryanne and Diane, we've had trips to Torremaggiore (my father's hometown), Termoli twice, and returned to Lido Ritz to start my 2022 beach time. I've even been to the Commune office in town to organize the usual summer business with Zia Carmelita.

Lido Ritz is still a great place to spend the summer. The staff is friendly, the beach is clean, and the umbrellone (big umbrella), lettino (chaise), and sedia (chair) are always there and in good condition. We have beach neighbors nearby who live in my building, and the people next to us will be there until the end of the month. 

We wanted to visit with my Zio Matteo and my cousin Vincenzo and his wife on Monday. So after spending the morning on the beach, we cleaned up and got dressed to head to Torremaggiore. After visiting the town cimitero (cemetery), we walked through town to visit the street where our parents were born, Via 20 Setembre. We don't know the house number, but we found the street where they played. We walked around town, grabbed some pastries, and had a cocktail, then went to visit with my Zio Matteo (Uncle Matteo). He's 94, and still with it mentally, but sadly is confined to the bed. 

After a visit with Zio, we heaed over to see my cousin Vincenzo and his wife Mariella. We felt bad because they were waiting for us to have dinner, and we spent longer than expected with my uncle. Once we got to their place, we hopped in the car and went to a local pizzeria for some antipasti and pizza. 

Today I took Zia to the market and we went to the Commune office to handle some tax stuff. While I was there Maryanne and Diane walked over to Lido Ritz where I joined them for a few hours of sunshine and little waves. We then went off to Termoli tonight for some seafood and people watching. It was beautiful outside, and we had a view of the castle and the stars. 

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Foodtopia Moments

The other day I threw together pranzo (lunch) real fast after shopping at the Friday Flea Market. It was a mix of zucchini, pomodori (tomatoes), cippolle (onions), and olio di olive. After making the sauce, I tossed it with some fresh cooked casarece pasta, and topped it with some freshly grated grana padano cheese. It was a perfect pasta made with farm fresh ingredients. 

A Family Day

With the sun shining, not a cloud in the sky, and a patio full of family and friends, yesterday was a great day for a party. Along with my cousins Maryanne and Diane, who are traveling from America, we threw Zia Carmelita a surprise birthday party. It was also a great chance to see a lot of family and share great memories. 

When we got up, we began the process of getting everything prepared. Between the three of us, we swept, setup the tables, and cooked a nice gravy with meatballs, veggies, and salad. Once people started arriving, I went with my cousin Valeria and her boyfriend Adi to pickup pollo arrosto (rotisserie chicken) and una torta (a cake). 

The table was filled with happy people. Besides us and Zia, Valeria and Adi, the party also included Zia's friend since childhood Jeanette and her niece Ada, our cousin Vincenzo and his wife Mariella and their daughter Erica, and our cousin Renato and his wife Dorette. We gathered for hours, and shared lots of great stories. 

Thursday, July 14, 2022

A Whirlwind of Adveture

Since we arrived in Italy, my cousins Maryanne and Diane and I haven't really stopped for very long. We've been finding interesting ways to fill our days. With some Aperol Spritz, and a lot of laughter, it's been a great time. 

On Tuesday, we woke up in Milan and were ready to hit the road at 9 am to head to Venezia (Venice). The rental car, however was not ready. So we went back to the hotel, had an American breakfast, then went back and got the car. We were on the road by 11:30. The time setback meant less time to explore Venice.

In Venice for only a few hours, we tried to make the most of it. We rode a vaporetto (kind of like a public transit boat) along the Grand Canal. We visited Piazza di San Marco, walked the Rialto Bridge, where we stopped to eat cena (dinner), and shopped til we dropped. I'm not going to list the items, because it may be a surprise for some people. We were dragging tail as we hoofed it back through the winding streets, across little bridges over Venetian water, past gondoliers at work and tourists taking pics for Instagram. It was only a mile, but it felt like more. 

The next morning, Maryanne, Diane and I hopped back into our Fiat 500X, filled halfway with luggage and the other half with people, and set off for Campomarino Lido. The ride along the Adriatic coast was 7 hours, and it was filled with great conversation, laughter, and the purchasing of a new lunch bag. When we stopped for gas, my cousin Maryanne noticed really cute lunch bags. We thought the sign said two bags for ten euros. The woman at the checkout explained to us, literally holding the bag and each item, that it was one bag, a long baguette, and two packs of lunchmeat (either proscuitto, mortadella, or salami). We all three immediately said yes. We were giddy over the deal, especially since there was literally nothing at the house to eat. One of the baguettes and two packs of lunchmeat were our dinner last night.

When we arrived in Campomarino we met with the gardener who was here working, then went up to see Zia Carmelita. She had just arrived earlier in the day. We talked for a while, then went back down to clean. Between Maryanne, Diane, and I, we got the house ready to go in one evening. Windows, floors, bathrooms, and started laundry. 

Today I headed out for a walk for the first time in Campomarino this year. It was a 3.5 miles walk, and I stopped for veggies, pizza, fruit, and croissants. Zia came down in the morning and we all went out to get some food from Ristorante Netti, then off to the Carrefour Market. We used to have a giant Carrefour nearby, but that closed a decade ago. Last year, they opened a smaller market that is less Target and more Aldi. After lunch, we cleaned a little, had a workman come to repair a window, then spent an hour at the Lido Ritz beach club. It was a great day.

After the beach, Maryanne, Diane, and I decided to spend an evening in Termoli, the next town up the coast. We arrived in town just in time to see the tramonte (sunset). We walked through town, visited the castle, and received a guided tour of the church where the remains of San Basso and San Timoteo reside. The church dates back to the 1200s, and they recently excavated some of it, discovering some old mosaics. We then went off to Eattico - Pesci di Strada, a local street food restaurant for some delicious sandwiches featuring octopus and anchovies. I've been there so I knew it was good, but I think everyone was surprised by the flavors of the sandwiches. We ended the night with a gelato from Yo-Go, the best gelatteria I've ever been to, and it was still delicious as usual.