Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Alone in Campomarino

Today was my first day alone here in Campomarino this year. Steve flew home yesterday, and Melissa and Amanda are near Milano. Though alone, I’ve been busy.
I came back from Amsterdam yesterday with a little bit of a cold, I think due to the 20 degree temperature change. My throat hurts a bit so I’ve been dosing on Sudafed. After getting up at 9, I headed to the farmers market, bakery, and macelleria (butcher). All three places asked why I was buying so little. Afterwards,  I came home and cooked, then took stock of the work that still needs to be done, or done again (gardening).

As I was taking stock, I noticed that the lemons on the lemon tree are almost ready to be picked. Also, the grape vine I’ve been training is starting to take shape nicely, going up and over the arch that I want it to follow.

This afternoon I worked on two broken fans, spraying each with lubricating oil, but it was no use. Now three of the original four fans we bought have bit the dust. If I see some in town, I’ll pick them up.  Have an air conditioner for now too.