Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Just About Closed Up

Empty patio
No big bikes or recycle cans
The time has come once again to close up the condo here in Italy. Another year has passed, 13 summers, and as I was talking to Zia yesterday it dawned on me that I’ve now been to this condo more for summers than my father was.

The last day here is always tough. The urge to just go to the beach and relax is often beaten by the need to stay in and finish all the work. Luckily I didn’t wait until today to do the heavy work, because I just don’t have the energy. The idea of going to the beach was thwarted by the clouds and 10 a.m. misting shower. The clouds still haven’t gone away. So I was able to cover the outdoor light and make sure the chairs and bikes are cleared from the patio.

I did save some food to cook today, watched two movies as I packed, and I’m in the process of making sure my electronics are charged for Rome. I will have a charger with me for some things, like the phones and wifi block. Computer will be on its last charge there.

Tonight I’ll call my taxi cab driver to confirm for tomorrow at 5:30 a.m., and I'll make sure nothing plugged in the outlets.