Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Fortuitous Travel Day

Vittore Emmanuelle
Piazza Navona
When I awoke about 36 hours ago, I didn't know what to expect from my day of travel. My seat on my connecting flight was unconfirmed and I did not know what to do about my luggage when I connected to a different airline. Not to mention, I would be spending 4 sleepy hours in an airport that was in a country whose language I don't know.

Piazza Navona
Quickly, though, the day turned into a great one for travel. While checking in for my flight to Frankfurt online, I upgraded to United's Economy Plus, which just means more leg room. I took a seat in front of an exit row so I could recline. When we boarded the plane, the flight attendant saw that my row was full, but the exit row was empty, so she switched me. The seats didn't recline but I was able to curl up just enough to be comfortable on three seats. I even managed to sleep about 2 hours. I saw the movie "Admission" with Tina Fey, tried to watch "The Guilt Trip" with Seth Rogen (blatantly unwatchable), and fell asleep watching "Gangster Squad" with Sean Penn. 

The Pantheon
While dropping off my bag at the airport, I was given a seat assignment on my connecting flight, and my bag was checked through. The Frankfurt Airport was easy to manage, had plenty of pretzels and other baked goods, and the flight came with an empty seat next to me.

Upon arrival in Rome, I went straight to the Hilton Rome Airport Hotel to check in. They upgraded me to an executive room with access to the executive lounge. That’s when I took a two hour slumber with the blackout curtains keeping the room dark as night.
Trevi Fountain

Il Coloseo
When I got up, I really wanted to just stay in and chill. But how could I pass up an opportunity to head into Rome for dinner. The hotel had a shuttle that when it left was driving through a rain storm. By the time we got to the center of Rome, the rain was done and I was able to stay dry in my 2-hour sprint around the historic city.

I saw the Memorial to Vittorio Emmanuelle where my dad had served as a guard, The Pantheon, Piazza Navona, and the Trevi Fountain. From the shuttle bus I also saw the Circus Maximus, Foro Romano, Il Coloseo, and the Arch of Constantine. All in all it was a fun outing in which I probably walked about 4 miles and managed to eat a good dinner.