For Ferragosto, the big Italian holiday on August 15, I made
a gran sugo (gravy). I started with pomodorini (little tomatoes), cipolla
(onion), carote (carrot), basilico (basil), brood classico (bullion), sale
marino (sea salt), and olio di olive (olive oil). After cooking for about an
hour, I turned it off and strained the mixture, removing seeds and skins. After
returning the passed tomatoes to the pot, I added brasciole di pollo (chicken
brasciole), and polpette di pollo (chicken meatballs). The results were
outstanding. Full of flavor, meat was tender, and the baked chicken and veggies
on the side were also delicious. Plus, spending time with Zia, Mariella and Nik
was great too. For pranzo (lunch) today, I had the leftover pasta and meat. I
added them to a fry pan with a little olive oil and reheated. To fill it out a
little, I added a piece of sliced bread that I chopped apart. The pieces of
bread soaked up lots of flavor.