Friday, August 17, 2018

Last Day in Campomarino

Every year, the final day in town is filled with highs and lows. The lows are saying goodbye to friends and family, as well as getting the last of things, like the last pizza, the last cornetti (croissant), or the last souvenir. It was also my last time to hit the beach. After three days of rain, seeing the sun today was like welcoming back an old friend. The people who were sitting near me for the past month were all gone, my guess is they had a half month that ended on the big, rained-out holiday Ferragosto on Wednesday. Many people left last night after the earthquakes, which is still what everyone is talking about today. Leaving the beach was sad as usual. It’s been nice and relaxing the past month, reading, swimming, catching up on YouTube videos during the middle of the day when everyone leaves. During part of my morning walk I went to do my weekly weigh in and lost four pounds this week. In total I’ve lost 10 pounds since I got here, and I’ve eaten well. Not as many desserts as normal, gelato only four times so far this summer, but bread and pizza and pasta was on tap almost every day.

As tomorrow is my birthday, I wanted to give myself a gift. So I’m heading to Rome tomorrow, then I‘m hopping on a plane Sunday bound for London. I have two days there, then back to Rome for a night, then back to New Jersey (by way of Atlanta) on Wednesday. The time really flew by this summer, but I got a lot done here.