The past couple of days have been filled with plenty of
sunshine, and a lot of activity. On Monday, a close family friend Antonio and
his wife Anna and their daughter Doris came by for some pizza, and a nice
passiagiatta (evening walk). It was a great night for a walk, as Campomarino was
busy, to the delight of Doris, and the weather was perfect in the mid 70s with
a slight breeze and no humidity.

For my birthday, we spent part of the day on the beach, part
of the day in the kitchen, and part of the day in Termoli’s antique section
where Mom, Zia, Erik and I had dinner sotto le stele (under the stars) in the
paizzetta (little square). It was a fantastic seafood meal at Ristorante
Federico II, and the town was buzzing. We finished the night with a gelato that
we had to wait in line 15 minutes to get. It was totally worth it.
As we are winding down our time here, preparations are being
made for our departure. I’ve begun taking a stock of the items that I have
plenty of and won’t need to bring (like deodorant), and I’ve devised a way to
make the place more secure after this past winter’s break in. Very soon, I’ll
have to pack my bags and clear the patio. I’ll also need to do some last minute
gardening which will include harvesting our one bunch of grapes from the vine
that are ready.