With my friend Erik arriving in Rome on Wednesday, Mom and I
ventured around and through the Apennine mountains and over to the west coast.
Erik made it to the hotel the same time as we did. Then we went out on a 20,000
step trek across historical Rome.
We first visited the Musei Vaticani, home of some amazing
works of art, including the Sistene Chapel. Then we hoofed it to Piazza Navona,
the Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, the memorial of Vittorio Emmanuele, and past the
Coliseum and Roman Forum ruins. After all of the oppressive heat we faced while
in long pants (Vatican museum rule according the website, they were letting
people in wearing shorts that day, though), we hit up Ice Club Roma for some
libations. It’s a favorite spot of mine to visit in Rome for some cocktails and
cooling off.

Yesterday we returned to Campomarino and hit up the beach
for some twilight sun. We enjoyed the calm cool Adriatic waters, and then
headed back to the condo to get ready for a trip to Ristorante Netti. The pizza
was once again delicious. After dinner, Erik and I headed to the beach clubs to
see what the happening spot was. There were a surprising amount of people here
for a Thursday after midnight.
My cousin Luigi and his family were passing through the
family hometown, Torremaggiore, today so we met up the ad Zio Matteo’s house.
We visited the cemetery first, and then met up with a family friend before
heading over to Zio’s house. It was great to see everyone and catch up with
them. Connie’s little girl is adorable, and they have a sweet young Bichon
Frische puppy. It was a great morning.