Monday, July 11, 2016

Phones are up and running

It took about five days, but Mom and I both have our Italian phones operating. Now we can communicate with each other when we are out separately. (If you want the numbers, send me an email.) We went into Termoli this morning for a quick visit to the VodaFone store and then went on a passagiatta (walk) to the paneficio (bakery) and down to the castle, because no trip to a citta vecchia (old city) in Italy would be complete without seeing a castle (or a cathedral).

The past couple of days we’ve avoided the morning, searing sun and headed to the beach after a little repose (relaxing nap) for some twilight time in the sand. What a difference from Sunday to Monday. All of the weekend daytrippers have left and won’t be back until next weekend. Today was so sparse, we even saw a man on horseback prance right on down and into the water. There’s a first time for everything.