Avoiding all work that I had to take care of, I decided to
head to the beach this morning. I knew that the windows and screens needed
cleaning, and that the overgrown garden needed pruning. But I went to the beach
anyway. On the way home from the beach I passed a farmer selling produce out of
the back of his car. I saw beautiful looking figs and stopped to see how much
and if they were sweet. His price per kilo was more than I had on me, so I
asked him for less than a kilo. He then showed me some mature ones that were in
his car, ready to be eaten today. He gave me all of them, and three pounds
worth, for 1 Euro. They were sweet like candy. Some we had to throw away, but
we at most of them.(I knew I had a gardener slated to come this afternoon, and
as they worked outside, I worked inside cleaning windows.)
I was really hoping to have the patio washed by tomorrow,
but there is a 5-foot tall pile of garden clippings that I need to deposit a
little at a time to avoid a fine. I feel like Andy Dufresne in "Shawshank" taking one pocketful
of wall to the yard everyday. The gardener said, “you have six weeks here, that
is plenty of time.” Like I want a giant pile of twigs in the in the middle of
the patio. It was, however, the best money I’ve spent here. The gardeners were here
for four hours and did what would’ve taken me days, plus they had proper tools
and saws.