Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Work hard, play soft

I woke up this morning on a mission to get the patio cleaned up finally. Last night I had taken the last of the yard clippings to the trash area (still all there as I write this), against the orders of my gardener. Settimio, the gardener, had warned me against doing this saying that they could fine me. However, after seeing the first two nights clippings still sitting there all day Tuesday, I figured I’d risk the fine. In the words of James Earl Jones in Field of Dreams, “Rules? There are no rules here.” So far, there is no fine either. Anyway, I can’t imagine a fine more than 25 Euros, much less than the cost of a cammio (truck) to haul the stuff away.

After sweeping the patio, I set about wetting, scrubbing, rewetting, then pushing all of the dirty water to the street with a squeegee. It turned out great, and we were finally able to get all of the patio furniture out of the house. It was a hard hour as today has been pretty warm. Luckily for my sweeping, there was no breeze today. That did not bode well for the rest of the day.

Once the work was done, it was time to hit the sand. Getting to from the beach was like walking on the sun with no breeze. Sitting in the sun for a few hours was also a sweaty endeavor, as the temperature at 7 p.m. was 90 degrees with a heat index of 103 degrees. When we sat for dinner at 9 p.m., the heat index was 98 degrees. But alas, a breeze has arrived. Dinner wasn’t quite so rough. It was a warm breeze, but it helped keep us cool.