Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Foodtopia Moments

Something that this area has that is often overlooked is smells. I know there is beauty and sometimes things are backward. However, when it is lunch and dinner time and one walks out of the house (and sometimes in the house, thank you) there are scents in the air here that makes mouths water. Earlier today, my neighbor, who is a pretty decent cook, was roasting something that smelled delicious. She called me to the fence and gave me three pieces. My aunt and I ate one piece each for lunch and I saved the last piece for part of my dinner. My goodness was it amazing. It was stuffed and roasted eggplant. She used various chopped vegetables, tomatoes, capers, cheese, and crumbled bread as the stuffing. It was amazing. I coupled that with a local and family classic, bread and tomatoes with olive oil fresh from the farm.