Friday, July 22, 2011

Shopping Day

Today was another Friday market at the other end of town. I was tired this morning after heading out for “La Notte del Bianco” (White Night) late last night. I didn’t get to bed until 2 a.m. and by that time my legs were killing me. I did manage to snap a couple of photos last night, and today. Tonight, I am going to take it easy and rest. I walked downtown this morning for lunchmeat and cheeses, prepped some food, cleaned dishes, swept, mopped, and am working on washing and folding laundry. I am going to make a great wife one day. Someone asked with all of the walking if I am losing weight? I would like to say yes, but I really do not know. My clothes fit better, so that is a sign, but I am also eating lots of great food. I should be losing something as I am exercising more than ever. I might take the new bike for a quick spin in a little while just to exercise a bit before dinner.