Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Writing Process

Today I slept in. I didn’t get out of bed until 8:30 a.m., which is late for me since I’ve been here. When I got up, I worked my hand raw, as seen in this photo, cleaning more cement fence. I have two more walls to go tomorrow. Tomorrow’s walls will require a lot of post washing clean up due to their locations on the property. I was also able to get on my writing process. Last week, I had mapped out my scenes. So far, I have the first three scenes written and I was about to write the fourth when family intervened. I hung out tonight with my aunt and a cousin of hers and my father’s who kept referring to me as Gino. Luigi (to Luigino then Gino for short) is his name, as well as the name of all first born Ciavarella males in my family for my generation, with one exception…me. He finally asked my name after he tried to ask me a question and I had no idea he was even speaking to me. I was hoping to go shopping at the street market tonight, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.