Almost 40 days into my summer and I’m starting to feel like
Noah. Today was rainy and cloudy all morning, but ended up getting sunny around
6 p.m. I did manage to get to the farmer’s market and bakery this morning. I
had an amazing haul of veggies for only 12 Euros. I carried about 12 kilos
worth of veggies for the miles or so walk from the center of town back to my
house. The longest part of my morning, and my day, was waiting for the bread
this morning. When I got to the bakery, I knew is had to be busy with the 12 people
milling about out front. When I walked in to get my ticket, I was number 93 and
they were working on number 78. Thankfully they use the deli tickets when busy,
or a battle might erupt over who is going to get their pane (bread) primo
This evening, we had a visit from my cousin Vincenzo and his
wife Mariella, and daughters Erica and Mela. It was nice catching up with them,
and Mom was excited to see them.