Tuesday, August 12, 2014

68 Days of Summer – Day 45-47 – Lots of Sun, Lots of Sun

Farmer's Market
(l-r) Linda and Mom
I’ve been busy since Saturday primarily doing nothing but relaxing. We’ve been hitting the beach every day, walking to the farmer’s market and bakery almost daily, and eating great food.  Melons we’ve been eating for breakfast have been particularly sweet this year, and we’ve been lucky never to get a dull melon.
Campomarino is much more alive this week, as many Italians are here for vacation. Friday is a big holiday, Ferragosto, and the natives usually have off some the week before to begin celebrations. The fruit market, the bakery, the beach and the streets at night are more swollen with patrons this week.

Beach exercise class
We have our last day at Lido Ritz beach club tomorrow. It has been fun and relaxing  as the Adriatic has really calmed down since last week. The weather has been great as well. Mom is also improving her confidence getting in and out of the water, and she is doing more acqua-exercises everyday. Though, she is not quite ready for the Lido Ritz morning exercise classes at the water’s edge.
Waiting in line at the bakery

We’ve also been getting lots of sun. I even have some sunburn on my lips. I am pretty much at my bronzing point, and likely will not get much darker. Today I turn to dark tanning oil to finish off the summer sun bathing.