For pranzo (lunch), I had made up some “osso” buco.
Technically, there was no osso (bone) with the buco (hole), but the sauce was
the style that I use for osso buco. I had three beef cutlets that I cut in
half, and lightly pan fried. Then I made a sauce out of pomodorini (little
tomatoes), cipolla (onion), carote (carrots), cedeno (celery) and aglio
(garlic). After cooking for a little while, I added some brodo classico (beef
broth) and vino bianco (white wine). Once it boiled together for a few minutes,
I turned off the heat, added the meat into the sauce, and cooked it in the oven
at 300 degrees for an hour and a half. The sauce was amazing, and we had it
over a little bit of pasta. The meat was literally spoon tender.