Here we are, day 40, quaranta, and I am quarantined here in
a beautiful paradise. When I woke up today, sweating, I knew it was going to be
a day for the beach. However, I also had some shopping to do first. I took Mom
up to Campomarino paese (the main part of town) to go shopping at Lidl, a German-based
market with prices and layout similar to Aldi. We shopped for bargains, the
biggest being on a head of lettuga trocadero (butter/Bibb/Boston lettuce,
depending on your market and/or location). In America, a head of this lettuce
will cost between $3 and $5, and it will be wrapped in a plastic container,
free of its outer layers of leaves. Here it was 59 Euro cents a kilo, and our
head was only 30 Euro cents (roughly $0.40). We also found Haas avocados for
the first time in all of our years of coming to Italy, and they were 1 Euro a
piece (roughly $1.30).
Once we got back to the house and put everything away, I
trekked off to the beach for a couple of hours. I picked up more color on my
face, but the rest of me has reached its bronzing point. I only take in so much
sole (sun).