Thursday, August 14, 2014

68 Days of Summer – Days 49 and 50 – Last Night in the Castle

The past couple of days have been hot, like stifling hot. It is also the first two days that we’ve needed the air conditioner all summer. Tonight, thankfully, the heat has broken. It was nice having the air on while we nursed our sunburns. For some reason, my lips have given me the most problems this year.

We went to Torremaggiore, my dad’s hometown, yesterday to visit the cemetery. I wish we would’ve had more time to visit people in town, but the cemetery was our only stop. Then we worked on stuff in the house and called it a night.

Today, I went out on my morning walk with the goal to pick up some meat for tomorrow. August 15 is Ferragosto, the big summer holiday here. I ordered a chicken, but I wanted to make some brasciola and polpette (meatballs) as well. I stopped at the fruit market first to get tomatoes to make the sauce, then waited more than a half hour at the butcher. I was fourth in line and it took what seemed like forever for the old world Italians to make their selections. Many wanted a fresh chicken, and when they were shown three, they had them weighed and chose the lightest one. The weight ranges were like 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5 kg, not huge differences.
When I got back, I chopped the pomodorini (small tomatoes), carote (carrots), cipolle (onions), and basilico (basil), then I cooked them until I had a nice sauce to pass through the mouler.  The sauce was delicious. Tomorrow I will heat the sauce to a nice boil and add the meat for lots more flavor.

Tonight we headed out to Termoli for the last time in 2014. It was a nice night to walk around and see the castle. The lidi (beach clubs), were packed with people and it was after 6 p.m. we found a whole strip of restaurants that we had never seen, as they were hidden in a piazza off of an alley. Next year, we have a whole list of places to eat. At the end of the night, as we strolled back to the car, we stopped to take in a tribute to the invasion of the Turks that was thwarted by Federico II. It was a processional that tonight included a concert and tomorrow will include fireworks.