Tuesday, August 5, 2014

68 Days of Summer – Day 41 – Lido Ritz

This morning we woke up to a beautiful sunny sky with a light breeze blowing. It was time to twist Mom’s arm and get her to the beach for the first time in two years. We suited up and sped (see rascal scooter with me walking behind it) off to the beach club Lido Ritz. This beach club has several clienti (clients) who require wheelchairs or assistance, and they are very accommodating.

Mom is walking better the past few days, using her walker to get down the beach paths. Yesterday she walked a supermarket, and today she walked at the beach. We had seats in the second row, and tomorrow we begin a week in the front row. As we exited the beach, to the sounds of “buon pranzo” (good lunching) from the locals and the staff of the beach club, we passed fruit and cheese vendors . We stopped and bought some formaggi (cheese) to have in the fridge and it is delicious. The cheese guy was from Gargano, which is about an hour and a half down the coast.
Pranzo (lunch) was prepared by Zia. She made a delicious Italian lunch of penne con sugo di pomodori (penne with tomato sauce), polpette di carne machinato (meatballs made with ground beef), and brasciola. Best of all, Mom did the flight of stairs no problem, the most stairs she’s done since her knee replacement surgeries.

After pranzo, we headed back to Lido Ritz and got into the Adriatic. It was pretty warm today. As we sat on the beach enjoying the twilight hours of music and people dancing in the clubhouse, we saw the clouds gathering. Luckily, we made it back before the rain, which only lasted 20 minutes. Though, all of the heat was gone when the rain dissipated.