Friday, July 27, 2018

A Little Trip to Termoli

I was a little nervous about not having a car here, but the cost is unnecessary at this point. One thing I was wondering if I’d be able to do is travel to Termoli at night. Sitting on the beach yesterday, I looked up the train times and decided that I could go for a couple of hours and it would only cost me two euros. Years ago, the tobaccheria (smoke shop) stopped selling train tickets. So I used to just head to Termoli for free when we couldn’t buy a ticket. Yesterday’s trip was stunted a bit because unbeknownst to me, a new tobaccheria has started selling tickets. I was at the train station when a substitute bus (instead of train) pulled up. I figured I could just pay the driver. I was wrong. So I had to wait a little over an hour for another train. Thus, last night I needed to get a taxi back home.
While in Termoli, I picked up sandwiches at Eattico, one of my new favorite places in Termoli, and went to sit by the castle and eat. Eattico at 8:45 is much busier than 7:15 when I planned to go, so I couldn’t get a seat. I walked around Termoli, then headed back to the train station. The bathroom at the station had been locked about twenty minutes before it is scheduled to be closed, so I had to run into a kebab restaurant. Italy isn’t good with schedules. Posted times are kind of like suggestions.

I had the taxi drop me off in the center of town. Campomarino Lido, which was celebrating Sant’Anna last night, was filled with people in the center of town. There was a live concert, tons of street vendors selling anything from screwdrivers to sausage sandwiches. Seeing the whole street filled with vendors again was heartfelt, as that was the way it was when we first bought this condo. In 2002, 2003, and 2005, there were tons of street vendors, and open air theater, supermarkets, and a fiera (food, drink, and vendor festival) every two years. The past six years have seen many of those things cease to exist.

 For most of the day, I cooked and cleaned heading to the beach around 12:30. There were no clouds at all until about 6:30, when I was heading home. I definitely picked up some color today.  Hopefully I’ll get more tomorrow as well.