This has been a great weekend. I’ve written about 30 pages
of a script, nearing the end, gotten plenty of time at the beach where I am
starting book number two for the summer, and I got to spend quality time with great
family and longtime friends.

The weekends are always busier here, just like in America.
This weekend was no exception with the two town festivals taking place just
days apart during last week (Santa Cristina on July 24 and Sant’Anna on July
26). Extra vendors have lined the streets, and there was an antique fair in
Piazza Aldo Moro (which people have started calling Piazzetta Rosso because of
all the red trim around the little square). Saturday night, Zia and I were able
to spend time with my cousin Renato and his wife Dorette, along with their son
Mario and his wife Cassandra. We went to Ristorante Netti, which was packed,
and spent hours catching up and reminiscing. It was a great night.

Today I spent most of my hours at the beach. I realized this
weekend that using the free WiFi at the beach would be a great way to catch up
on some of my Youtube subscriptions. By today, I had also realized that the
free WiFi has its limits and when the beach is packed it will run slow.
However, during the 1 to 3:30 p.m. timeframe, when the bulk of people are at
home eating lunch and taking siesta, the WiFi works great for videos. The rest
of the time I read or chat with people back home. Tonight, the Monacos,
longtime family friends, came for a visit. We went back to Ristorante Netti for
another awesome night of catching up and talking about the future of the
summer. After dinner we went on a short passiagiatta (evening walk) to the
antique fair. We’re all looking forward to our next get together.