Friday, July 13, 2018

A Packed Day

If you’ve ever had one of those days that feels like you didn’t set out to do a lot, but ended up really busy, you know what my day has been like. It’s still not over. But we only have the car for a few more hours, so Zia and I are filling the docket.
I was out of the house before 8 a.m. on a long walk to the end of town. The old beach club that I went to back in ’09 has been overtaken by the water on one side and is now affectionately called Le Petit Beach. It’s Friday, so the flea market is in town, and it is right in my walking path. I looked but didn’t need to purchase anything there. I did manage to stop  and get some produce from the farmers and bread, and breakfast pizza, from the baker on my way home.
Zia and I had plans later in the morning to head to the town hall. I was able to snag photos of the Minicipio (municipal hall), nuova chiesa (the new church), and the arena that is in Campomarino paese, the main part of town on the hillside. Where we are in the beach town used to just be squash and melon farms. We need to go back another day to the municipal building, as the people we needed are only working Tuesday-Thursday this year…not summer…year. And to top it off, they work three hours a day beginning at 11. Appointments can be made for other times.

When we got back I had to help Zia with her air conditioner. She’s told me at least 20 times how her Samsung is a better brand than my Kelon, but it’s funny that she needs me to control her remote because it’s digital and all in English. On the way back to my place, I ran into my parents’ old friends Vitorrio and Anna in the parking lot. I was just getting done telling them about what happened with my mom, and we ran into my father’s cousin Luigi. So we spent some time talking before I finally had the chance to head to Lido Ritz. By the time I arrived all of the beach dancing and lively music had ended. I grabbed a Fanta orange, which is surprisingly different here (think more Orangina and less Sunkist), and sat in the shade with a view of the mare (sea) and worked on the characters for my next script.

In a little while I’m taking Zia to the macelleria (butcher shop) and planning on an evening walk. Phil is coming tomorrow, so I will be on the road most of the day to get him in Rome and get back to the beach with him.