Monday, July 9, 2018

Foodtopia Moments

   In the first Foodtopia Moments of the summer, I visited Ristorante i Tre Scalini in Piazza Navona in Rome. I've visited this restaurant before, previously eating their delicious pastas carbonara and bolognese, as well as their tiramisu. They are well known for their tartuffo dessert as well.
   Tonight, I flipped it a little. I started off with a trio of bruschetta. One was traditional with pomodorini (little tomatoes), one had salt and olive oil, and one was topped with an olive and truffle spread. Each one was good in its own right. I followed that up with my first plate of pasta for the trip. This was rotini pasta with a sauce made from pomodorini, pesce (fish), olive (olives), and caperi (capers) with olio di olive (olive oil). I had seen the selection on someone's nearby plate and it looked delicious. It didn't disappoint. The sauce burst with flavor and each bite was filled with natural tastes.