Thursday, July 12, 2018

Working Days

The first few days in Campomarino are usually reserved for working. This year is no exception. I have mopped inside and out, cleaned the toilet, washed five loads of laundry including sheets and towels (which take forever to dry), clipped some of the overgrown (yet flourishing) garden, and done some shopping. Yesterday, the township turned off the water in all of Campomarino for six hours in the middle of the day, so my work was kind of put to a standstill. I went to the beach and had a slice of tomato pie and worked on an outline for a script I plan to write. Then I went to my bank in the main part of town and did some grocery shopping. I managed to snap a picture of the Adriatic Sea from the overlook while in the main part of town.

I was on a roll so I decided to look for ceiling fans for inside the condo. We need new lights inside, as the 1980s neon bulbs have seen better days. Years ago, maybe 2012, Mom and I looked for a fan for outside. We went to all the logical home and electronic places, each one saying they were sold out for the season. Later that summer, we luckily stumbled upon one at a local supermarket, and have been using the fan ever since. It’s not necessary all the time, but sometimes the breeze just doesn’t blow and fan feels incredible. This time around, I was able to snag three matching ceiling fans with lights and remote control. Now I need to have them installed, which is the harder part.

Zia and I headed into San Severo to do some quick banking where my father banked. It was a successful trip, the third time we’ve attempted this banking business since 2013, and finally they accepted the documents I brought. Zia thinks it was her doing, but after how mad my mom was the last time we went to that bank, I’m feeling that she helped move things along too.