The sky was clear and sunny today, and it was in the mid 90s
again. Mom used the day to relax inside the air conditioned condo, while I
handled some clerical stuff for the condo. Zia and I had our condo association
meeting today, in which I was one of five representatives out of some 36
possible delegates. Needless to say we really couldn’t make any decisions, nor
could a condo association that charged me 76 Euros for the YEAR really make any
significant changes.

One good thing that came out of the meeting was that I was
able to ask the administrator of the condo for a phone number of a fabro
(locksmith/door maintenance person). I called him up and he came out and
measured for iron gates and doors to be installed. Again, same as the last guy,
he said it couldn’t be done until later in the year. Not good for us. The
problem is that the bars are custom made, and the factory is closing soon for
vacation. His price was high as well. However, he was able to fix the broken
glass and the ripped screen in about an hour, so that stuff is taken care of. If
someone comes back here to rob the place this winter, they’ll be in for slim
pickings. Old refrigerator, used stove, my over-sized underwear, and some
sunscreen is about all we have here.
Tonight Mom, Zia and I headed into Termoli, the town just
north of here, to walk around, shop, and have dinner. We wanted to try a
restaurant near a seafood place that we like. It was a pizzeria, and the prices
were good, especially for dining al fresco under the tramonte (sunset). I
managed to buy some souvenirs, and will likely head back for more later on this
summer. The town was in a slumber tonight, as they prepare for next week’s San
Basso festival. The streets were eerily devoid of people, as if there was a
reason not to be out. Normally the street is alive with people and vendors, but
tonight the cafes were catering to only a few clients. Still the Yo-Go gelateria,
with its remodeled interior, was churning out the same delicious, creamy
product, and was the only busy place in town.