Today was one of those lazy beach days where you lounge in
your bathing suit all day and night. Even so, that didn’t stop me from having
some great food. For pranzo (lunch), Mom and I decided to make and take panini (sandwiches)
with us to the spiaggia (beach). I bought the pane (bread) from il forniao (the
bakery) this morning. We added mozzarella di bufala (buffalo mozzarella),
zucchini grigliati (grilled zucchini), mortadella, pomodorini (little tomatoes,
sliced), and pepperoni (peppers). No olive oil was needed, and the sandwich was
bursting with flavor.

After the beach, I saw I had a little time to kill so I
prepared a zucca (squash). This one was a butternut squash that I got from a
farm stand for only 2 Euros. I chunked the squash, then I made a sauce of aglio
(garlic), cipolla (onion), sale marino (sea salt), and pomodori pelati (whole
peeled tomatoes). Once the sauce was cooked, I added the zucca. After about 20
minutes, it was delicious and will make a great meal alongside some sausage
from the macelleria (butcher) domani (tomorrow).