Friday, July 24, 2015

From A.M. to P.M.

Today was a busy day in Campomarino. I awoke at 8 a.m. to the sound of giant firecracker thuds signaling the day of the Santa Cristina Festival in the main part of town. Seeing that it is Friday, Mom and I walked downtown to the Friday market. It was bigger this year than it has been the past couple of years, and we did get some things that we needed, like tovaliogli (napkins), carta l’igenica (toilet paper), and other household items. We also went to the traveling salumeria (deli) and picked up some cheese, and lunch meats.

The afternoon was nice. Even though it was over 90 outside, it seemed like there was more of a breeze. I cleaned the patio after last night’s storm, and then headed over to Lido Ritz to read on the beach. I finished my first book of the summer, “Project Future.” It was about the behind the scenes legislative issues that went on with the creation of Walt Disney World. And for the first time all summer, I could see Isole Tremiti on the horizon in the Adriatic Sea.

When I got home, I told Mom to put on her walking shoes and that we were heading to the festival. The streets in Campomarino paese were lit with festival lighting and the glow from the accompanying market. We went shopping for gifts and dinner, walking away with a nice haul for the price. We managed to see the tail end of the processional for the Santa Cristina Festival, and were right by the band stand for the fireworks display. We stopped for dinner on our way back to the car, which was lovely street food. It was a great night for walking as the weather had cooled to the high 70s with a breeze. I managed to put on a little over 19,000 steps for the day.