It’s been a couple of days, but I made sure to take some
photos. One nice thing about the weekends here is that the bakery makes pane
rustica, the rustic bread with different salamis, cheese, and olives baked
right in. I had some for colazione (breakfast), then finished it up for cena

For cena a couple of nights ago, I roasted a mix of farm fresh
veggies including zucchini, melanzane (eggplant), pepperoni gialli e rossi
(peppers yellow and red), patate (potato), pomodorini (little tomatoes),
cipolla (onion), basilico (basil), e olio di oliva (olive oil). It was great
the first night. The next day, I mixed the leftovers with some more olio di oliva
and pomodorini, then mixed in some flat pasta noodles. It was delicious with a
smattering of Grana Padano cheese on top.
Last night I had my first gelato of
the season in honor of National Ice Cream Day. (I think I would’ve had it
anyway.) I had a mix of pistachio, Malaga (like a rum raison), and stracciatella
(like vanilla with chocolate pieces running through it). Mom had extra dark
chocolate and marscpone and fig. They had a ricotta and pear one that I want to
try soon as well.

We’ve also been slowly finishing (to avoid cavities and diabetes)
the four marzipan “fruits” we bought the other day. I thought they were more
almond paste than these are, though I always have almond left in my mouth when
I’m done. So that means they’re healthy.