Saturday, July 19, 2014

68 Day of Summer – Day 24 – I Hit the Beach

Sometimes one must make sacrifices. Today, I took the TV that was my father’s birthday gift to me when I turned 26, and I passed it on to Zia. Her set blew out this week after nearly 25 years of service. So I am without TV, which is not a bad thing considering I only had a few clear channels to watch anyway, with others coming and going depending literally on which way the wind blew. When mom gets here, we’ll use the rental car to go and get a new TV for the next 12 years.

I woke up late this morning after taking a midnight passagiatta (evening stroll) to the lungomare (beach block) for a night of music and dance crews yesterday. I also had my first gelato for the summer, opting for marscapone with fig, and cannoli flavors.

This morning flew by, but I did manage to get my bike fixed and go for a ride before lunch.  I also got but by a little dog, but it left only a bruise, no broken skin. I was all set to go for a long walk this afternoon to the higher elevation part of town when my cousin called and told me he would be here in an hour or so.

Change of plans. I scrapped the walk and went to the beach instead. It was nice how they had the path to the beach all paved over this year. No more sand to trudge through the pine forest. The free beach is much smaller this year, but I still easily found a spot.

When I got back to the condo in order to host my cousin Vincenzo and his wife, Mariella, I saw that my family from The Netherlands had also arrived so it was a very fun night. I went for a walk back to the beach with Vincenzo and Mariella and we saw a beautiful tramonte (sunset).

When we got back to the condo, my Aunt Dini, cousin Mariella and her husband Nic, and their youngest son Elio stopped by the house to catch up. It has been two years since they were here. Sadly they are here to meet with a realtor to sell their condo. If anyone reading this wants a one bedroom condo at the beach in Italy, with a large balcony big enough to use for dining and sleeping, it is available for only 50,000 euros. And I believe they will be leaving it fully furnished.