Sunday, July 27, 2014

68 Days of Summer – Day 32 – On the Road Again

Mom arrived this morning right on schedule, and we picked up our Volkswagon Golf compact wagon (see 4-door hatchback) for our six-hour journey. There was no traffic today, which would’ve been surprising to me considering we hugged all of the major Adriatic beach towns except it was raining most of our drive.

Once we got back, we relaxed, mom napped, and we managed to get some forno a legna (wood fired oven) pizza from Parco del Mare, a restaurant located right at the entrance to the beach. The place boasts a special; one margarita pizza and a half liter of wine for five Euros. Not a bad deal for delicious pizza. He definitely changed his crust from last year,  because it has so much more flavor. It went from being cheap and close to my house, to now being those things and good.