Monday, July 28, 2014

68 Days of Summer – Day 33 – Business, Italian Style

Me with my Codice Fiscale
I’m sort of officially an Italian. No not a dual-citizen, yet. That determination will have to wait until March of 2015, but I do now have a Codice Fiscale, which is necessary to do banking and any major purchasing in Italy. Surprisingly, it was easy to obtain.

We decided to head to a bank in the main part of Campomarino today, thinking it was the right bank. We were wrong, it was a letter off (Carim vs Carime). Either way, I was trying to open an account in my name to pay bills over here. For years, we’ve used my father’s account, but it is time to get one of my own. Once we got to the bank, we needed to wait for the representative who handles accounts to get back from a café (coffee) break. He informed me about the Codice Fiscale so once I obtained one, I went back to open an account. After more than an hour and a half, I will need to go back on Wednesday. When I asked why, he said because they do not have any accounts there (as far as I could understand). But come Wednesday, they will begin to automatically handle the payment of our bills here, except property tax, thus making things a bit easier.

Two other things were handled today. After dinner and a short rest, we headed over to Euronics today. It’s a Best Buy-type store. Our big purchase was a new, 32” Panasonic TV. Our 9-year-old satellite has been working better this year than it has in a long time, and we now get BBC World News, Euronews, Al Jazeera International, and France 24 in English. The most “American” of the channels thus far is France 24. But I can hook my iPod into the TV, so that is good for us. The other purchase was a bug zapper for all of the mosquitoes. We are long overdue in getting one. Citronella candles only last so long.