We had limited time for lunch today, but I managed to whip
up something delicious. I took a cipolla (onion), pomodorini (little tomatoes),
basilico (basil), patate (potatoes – three fingerling), and zucchini chopped
them all into small cubes, and cooked them in some olio di olive (olive oil).
Then I boiled some ditalini pasta, and once they were cooked and drained, I
added them to the veggies. The result was light and delicious. For a meat, I
used a feta di tachino (turkey cutlet) and cooked it in olive oil and lemon
juice over a bed of rosemary. Basically the turkey did not directly hit the
pan, but kind of steamed in the rosemary, lemon juice and olive oil. Add in a
little sale marino (sea salt), and the result was delicious bite after bite.