Sunday, July 13, 2014

Foodtopia Moments

When it come's to sandwiches, this one was delicious. The other night I pan fried three small turkey breast cutlets with a little dusting of salt, pepper, and pan-searing flour. I toasted a Del Buono's Bakery roll, then spread a little bit of mayo and some champagne dill mustard on both halves. From the bottom up I built the masterpiece. I added bread and butter pickle chips, sliced campari tomatoes, sliced avocado, the turkey cutlets, more avocado slices and tomato slices. Topped with the toasted bun, cut in half, this sandwich was rich in flavor and texture. No cheese needed with the creaminess of the avocado. This sandwich had the right amount of saltiness from the turkey breast, sweetness from the pickles, richness from the avocado, spice from the mustard, and crunch from the toasted roll.