For pranzo (lunch) Zia and I had a fish meal. I got up early
this morning to cook the tonno e caperi (tuna fish and capers along with
tomatoes) sauce. Then we had gamberi (shrimp) scampi, cozze al vino bianco
(mussels in white wine sauce from Ristorante Netti), salmone con rosamarino e
limone al forno (baked salmon with rosemary and lemon), and frittura di
merluzzo (fried cod). We also had some zucchini and onions as a vegetable. For
dessert, we had a sweet melone giallo (canary melon).
While I was out with my cousins from The Netherlands tonight,
they treated me to a gelato. I had three flavors of gelato in my sundae:
pistachio, cassata Siciliana, and Malaga (which was like rum raison).