During my drive, I stopped for a sandwich at an Autogrill.
This was a brand new rest stop with a pasta place, and Autogrill snack bar, and
a McDonald’s (which was oddly the most packed). The rest stop also offered free
wifi and had a mini Carrefour supermarket. I picked up a sandwich called “saporito”
(which loosely means full of flavor) and had it heated up. I wish I’d have
eaten it immediately, but I wanted to wait so I didn’t stop again. The sandwich
was on great Italian bread with tomato with dried basil, mozzarella, and
proscuito. The flavor is unique, and has just the right amount of salt from the
meat and moisture from the tomatoes. If you are every traveling on the autostrada,
make a stop at an Autogrill; you can’t go wrong.