Sunday, July 8, 2012

5Ks paid off big time

Today was the first time that I actually went for a walk, one of my favorite things to do in town. Although it was hot, there was a nice breeze blowing during much of the day. Zia arrived at 9 in the morning to start preparing for lunch (we ate at 1:30 and she was done cooking by 10, so the point of starting at 9 is lost on me). I knew we needed bread, fruit and lettuce, so I decided that I would walk instead of drive to the center of town. The distance from my place to the fruit market is nearly a mile, complete with dodging Italian drivers who seem to think that lane markers are only a suggestion.

As I walked through the fruit market eyeing all of the various vendors and their goods, I noticed that the walk had felt surprisingly easy. In the past I would often feel like I was lumbering somewhat (and sweating like a pig) by the time I reached the market. I guess walking two 5Ks a week for the past month and a half really helped me. Even walking back with about six pounds worth of food in my hands, It still seemed easy.

We ate with and entertained my cousins from San Severo for most of the day. It was nice having company, but I still haven’t had a chance to fully clean my house. I’ve washed towels and swept inside, and I swept and mopped outside, but I still feel like I have a lot of work to complete. After the company left I cleaned up a little and headed into town for a passegiatta (a traditional evening stroll). I was really looking to see if my watch guy was around, but sadly, none of the shops that are normally here were open tonight. I am not sure if there was a crackdown on imposter goods or if the vendors have moved to another part of town. I’ll check again soon.

Tomorrow I have a 9 a.m. rendezvous with Zia to go shopping. The list is growing by the hour of things I am discovering that I need. I also need to work on getting a new offer for my phone’s internet. The four eruos a day for internet thing seems too costly. For those of you who I’ve teased for the past few years for not having internet on your phones, I now feel your pain.