Friday, July 20, 2012

Even Mom is mobile

Today I woke Mom up at the crack of dawn, 8 a.m. She was none too happy, but we had to take her to get her blood checked at the lab. However, I bought her a brioche (Nutella filled croissant) this morning and she ate it before we got to the lab. The people said they couldn’t do the exam, so we headed home. We’ll go back on Monday morning.

Zia cooked lunch for us today, so when we got back to the house we went out for a little ride. Mom used her scooter and I used my bike, and we headed first to a local farm stand. The people there sell only friends and vegetables grown on their farm here in town. After that we headed to the Friday Market. We bought some cheeses and mortadella, and we even stopped for bread. Mom’s head was getting a little red, so we got a hat too. On the way home we went by the beach clubs and stopped for a cold drink.

Zia made us delicious lunch of pasta with zucchini and fresh ricotta, and chicken cutlets. After lunch, we put on the AC, closed the doors and took a little break. Tonight my cousin Renato stopped by with his wife Dorette and his son Mario. They brought by some pastries and talked for a little while. After they left, Zia, Mom and I went for a passegiatta (evening stroll).