Foodtopia Moments

Pranzo (lunch) was a meal that snuck up on me today. After
colazione (breakfast), I swept outside and watched “Borat” while doing two
loads of laundry. It’s been a lazy day somewhat, but one in which I got things
in order inside. For lunch I made tonno e caperi (tuna and capers). It’s a
simple dish and normally it is served over spaghetti. I found a different kind
of broad noodle at the supermarket and used that instead. To make the dish, you
start with a little olive oil, a can of tuna (drained) and a small jar of capers
(also drained). When that cooks for a few minutes, you add the tomatoes. I used
passed tomatoes in a jar, similar to crushed tomatoes. It’s not a dish that
requires fresh tomatoes as the tuna and capers provide the main flavors. When I
was finished with the sauce, I sliced some aglio (garlic) and zucchini, and
then cooked them in a frying pan with a little olive oil. Once the zucchini was
finished, I cooked two thin pieces of chicken breast the same way. When
finished, I put the chicken in a baking pan, covered the chicken with a couple
of layers of zucchini, and topped with buffalo mozzarella. I baked it in the
oven to melt the cheese, and shortly before I took it out I added a little vino
bianco (white wine). The flavor was inviting and exciting.