My haul at the market included mortadella con pistachio,
mozzarella di bufala, peaches, tomatoes (with free basil and parsley or as they
call them odori), lemons, bread and a filet of salmon. It was about seven
pounds of food for only 18 euros. The salmon was the only expensive item, but
it was a nice change of pace from chicken or sausage.
After the market I headed to the beach for some sun and
sand. I didn’t even put on a bathing suit, knowing I wasn’t going swimming (I
was wearing athletic shorts). It was ridiculously sunny today and the sand felt
like hot coals, even under my towel. I wear no sunscreen, and I still feel like
I’m not getting tan. Just on my arms and face do I look tan, and those two
spots already had a tan from throwing the football around at MetLife Stadium,
home of the Jets.